Kamis, 29 September 2016

7 surprising facts cell phone problem

The presence of a cell phone--or familiar is called a cell phone--has brought a lot of changes in lifestyle and human life in the world.

Moreover, the sophistication of the technology has made mobile a smart device with a series of useful features.

Smart phones in the past has now become an object that will not be able to escape from the person. His blessing, we can communicate via telephone or message, search for information, and doing many other things.

Behind the presence of advanced mobile phones, there are a few interesting facts that happened in the past and present. To that end, a team of Techno Liputan6.com as quoted from Tech Crunch will mengulasnya for you.

1. Motorola Dyna, the first phone in the world

You know, the world's first mobile phone was the Motorola Dyna TAC 8000X created Motorola's senior employees, Martin Cooper, in 1983.

This phone contains 30 contact with time to talk (talk time) 30 minutes. Price US $ 3,999 dibanderol Dyna then.

The Motorola Dyna TAC 8000X
2. Guess who the inventor of the Smartphone?

Not an Apple or Google, but IBM. Yes, the original United States technology companies released their first smartphone on August 16, 1994.

Simon Personal Communicator was the first commercial mobile phone features a touch screen.

Screen Simon Personal Communicator can work with the aid of a stylus or fingertip. In it there is also a calendar, a contact book, calculator, and notepad.
Apple vs Android

3. the iPhone Sold 37.04 Million in 2012

Apple managed to sell the iPhone as much as 37.04 million in 2012 in just 2 weeks! The it equivalent of 262 iPhone sold out in a minute or 1 iPhone per second.

4. The price of the iPhone's most Accomplished hundreds of billions

Still surrounding the iPhone, Apple presents iPhone 5 that is touted as the most expensive phone in the world in 2012. Reasonable because this iPhone diamond studded black 26 Carat on the side bodywork of this smartphone.

iPhone 5 Black Diamond
5. Android Ahold 80 percent of the World Market

Nobody doubted Apple as pembesut-art phones, iPhone. But behind it, the iPhone was not dominating the smartphone market in the world. According to comScore, Android master 82.8 percent smartphone market globally.
Mobile Phone Bills and Antiair

6. Mobile phones Japan-made Antiair

It turns out that nearly 90 percent of Japan-made phones have features of water (waterproof). This is so because the average person fond of Japan brought his cellphone while bathing.

Waterproof mobile phone illustration. (Doc: CNET)
7. Make a cell phone Bill Shock

This experienced Celina Aarons very knowing her cell phone bill to reach US $ 201,000 in 2011.

Apparently, this Bill because his younger brother sends 2,000 text messages and downloading video paid that cost US $ 2,000 per video while on vacation to Canada.

Plus more, younger brother Aarons could not hear and talk. To communicate, they must send a message via your mobile phone.